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 Cycle Journal

Reclaim you inner power and begin living life using your cycle to your advantage!



DISCOVER how your moods and motivations change... 


REVEAL the pattern of your inner world...


HARNESS your cycle's energetic momentum...
















This isn't a regular journal... it's a JOURNEY


It was created to help you discover your own cyclical pattern for an EMPOWERING menstrual cycle!



This journal takes you through a deep 3 month initiatory journey of activating your awareness around the shifting energies we experience as women each month.



Quick and simple daily check-ins to track how you feel, crave and behave differently throughout your cycle.


Making this your new evening ritual will create the foundation for your self discovery.

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" don't really know the power of this until you actually do it!"

"Experiencing the Her Rhythm journal has been such a blessing and a pleasure. I found that it really encouraged me and disciplined me to take some time out each day and connect how I am feeling, body and mind, which you don't really know the power of this until you actually do it!
It's amazing, the experience of discovering how powerful connecting with your cycle is, how it can help you achieve your dreams, understanding how your body operates, honouring your body, loving yourself, connecting in with the four seasons of your cycle! Truly life changing!"
- Liana B


Go from irrational emotional outbursts to: 
Understanding the thoughts and feelings of your inner world
Turn feeling ungrounded and scattered into:
Having a clear and nurtured direction
Go from confusion and unawareness to:
An empowered perception



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Watch and learn how you change each week

Notice and understand why you change from one woman to the next,

and discover the pattern that lies within your cycle.

Discover your inner seasons

Just as there are four seasons of the year that each have a unique energy, we have four inner seasons within our cycle each and every month


 Learn their hidden superpowers

and move through your cycle with understanding and ease.

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"I was amazed to see patterns emerge..."

"I love the Her Rhythm Journal so much I just ordered a second one so I can enjoy the process all over again! I first bought this journal as a way of getting to know my body and my cycle again after coming off hormonal contraception.
Anneli's journal was a godsend and I began to look forward to my evening check-ins.
I so enjoyed tracking my symptoms alongside the phase of the moon, and after 3 months I was amazed to see patterns emerge.
From seeing how my dreams were more vivid in my Autumn phase to seeing my energy levels peak during Summer, I got to listen to my beautiful body in a new way. Now I am softer on myself when I feel lethargic, knowing it's all part of the turning of the wheel, and that there's a wisdom to all the ebbs and flows that I experience each month. The journal is beautifully designed and easy to use, with lots of gentle guidance and helpful information.
I can't recommend it highly enough."
- Ellen N

- Final Sale -

Start tracking your cycle now!


Sharing this with my partner changed my relationship!


After I discovered my pattern I told my man about it and he got to understand why I was moody, when I was moody, when I needed chocolate, when I wanted space, when I needed cuddles, when I was more sexual.

It was such a HUGE enhancement for our relationship having this understanding!


I learnt to be more gentle on myself when I was feeling full of fire and fury and he learnt to expect the short fused mood of my inner Autumn and not take it personally.

Suddenly our monthly arguments stopped

because we both understood what was going on.


Knowing my cycle rhythm became the key to a beautiful and harmonious relationship with my partner and with myself.


"Your body speaks to you and once you learn to hear it, you can begin to
dance to your own rhythm"

This journal becomes your tool for
self discovery, a doorway to empowerment...

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"Understanding the intricacies of my cycle has improved my trust and relationship with myself"

"I have experienced the most beautiful connection to myself through my Her Rhythm cycle tracking journal.
The creator of this journal gifted it to me up in the Daintree last year.
My partner had been suggesting I track my cycle for a little while and we were having a conversation about it and boom it appeared in my lap.
The timing and alignment I have experienced is incredible.
Understanding the intricacies of my cycle has improved my trust and relationship with myself. The way I choose to honour myself through my cycle has shifted during this process as well as the way I view myself, my body and my mind.
Ridiculous gratitude to you!"
- Jessie L

Collect and transform your findings into your own personalised chart! 



Once you have journaled for 3 cycles, you will go through the Cycle Discovery Questions and use your answers to fill out this free downloadable chart.

This becomes your own personal guidebook for enhancing your relationships, professional and personal life!

When we are unconscious and unaware, our source of mental, physical and emotional energy gets flung around, all the while trying to contain and force it in a particular direction, leading to exhaustion and a perpetual dissatisfaction with the level of progress we are striving for.
Tracking the cycle helps bring awareness to this precious energy and uncovers your energetic pattern which then acts as a personalised guidebook for how to move through life with the greatest ease and with the most successful outcomes.

After your 3 month tracking journey you'll be able to predict your moods and plan your life accordingly! 


more energetic and productive 

- to get things done


more confident and magnetic 

- to show off when it counts


more creative and inspired 

- to channel it into projects





more tired 

- so you don't over work yourself


more analytical 

- so you can better edit and refine your work


more withdrawn

- so you don't book things in when really you want to be alone





more success 

- in your work life


more harmony

- in your relationships


more peace

- within yourself



Become in sync with the incredible energetic momentum you hold within so you can avoid burnout and move through life with grace and ease.



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"I was suddenly able to plan around my energy levels and take stress away..."


"My rhythm became known to me with this journal. I never understood I had a pattern, even though mine is odd, I discovered it's a pattern. I was suddenly able to plan around my energy levels and take stress away from wanting my body to be regular but MY timing, my energy and moods all became mine, coming home, an understanding of self."


- Damara G


Reclaim you inner power and begin living life using your cycle to your advantage.

Go from drifting through a life of unawareness to obtaining the most potent guide book for achieving the greatest success in your relationships, career, and personal expression.

My name is Anneli


Author of this beautiful journal and the Creatrix of Her Rhythm 

and like many of us, I began my journey into womanhood with a very shameful and disgusted view of my period.

Centuries of inherited societal programming of suppression kept me avoiding the true nature of my femininity.

After spending most of my life on hormonal birth control and feeling disconnected I decided I was finally ready to become a true woman and begun a journey of self inquiry.


Discovering cloth pads helped with deepening my relationship to my period and I begun truly embracing it. So much so I started a business creating luxury cloth pads which was amazing and had a huge impact on changing women’s view of their period. But I discovered there was more to our cycles.


I discovered that I didn’t just bleed for 5-7 days and was “normal” the rest of the month, oh no.


I learned that there were 4 different phases of the menstrual cycle including our bleed time. And that each different phase had a completely different energy.

After spending a few years with an increased awareness, learning all my little shifts and

changes in my moods and energy,

I finally found my own personal pattern that repeats every month! 


I was able to work with it knowing what was coming ahead, knowing what to expect so

I could plan things around the strength's and weaknesses in my cycle.

A complete gamechanger, in every area of my life.

I now have such an immense love for my cycle, ALL aspects of it.

I love the deep downloads I get on day 1, the incredible self-confidence I get on day 9, the calm self-reflection of day 21 and I love the unfiltered and fierce sword tongue of truth on days 23-26.

I really love reflecting over the past month and feeling it all release through my blood.


Having seen, felt and experienced the profundity of this wisdom, knowing I had it within me all along,

I felt an incredible calling to share this and help as many women as possible.


Can you imagine what the world would be like if every woman on earth loved, embraced and honoured her body and her cycle?


For me, a world where women own their changing moods, their vulnerability and their blood, is a world of peace.

Where shame and disconnection have become empowered awareness, where confused partners become supportive and understanding and where stress and struggle become ease and flow.


A world where strong women know their softness and know when to use their strength!


How do we get there? We begin from within. It all starts with self awareness, that is where this journal comes in...

Begin your journey now

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