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Her Rhythm Cycle Chart

Her Rhythm Cycle Chart


A life changing tool that will help create ease and flow throughout each phase of your cycle.


Women are cyclical creatures and within our menstrual cycle we have 4 different phases. Menstruation, pre ovulation, ovulation and the premenstrum.

As our hormones rise and fall and our energy levels shift, we can see that just like there are four seasons of the year and they each have their own unique energy so too do we within each phase or ‘season’ of our cycle.


Once we invite awareness into our daily life, we can see that we act, feel, think, love, crave and behave differently within each phase.


Moving through life trying to get ahead while swimming upstream leaves us feeling burnt out, uninspired and disconnected to ourselves.


If we begin ‘going with the flow’ of our body and following the rhythm that we as women have built into us, we can harness our strengths, our creativity, our critical eye and move through life with an enhanced ability to pursue our goals and dreams.


This chart offers a guideline to follow as you begin to tune into your rhythm and discover your own cyclical pattern of moods, strengths and abilities.


Perfectly paired with the Cycle Tracking Journal so you can begin to get an idea of how you flow through life while you embark on the path of self discovery. Then you can complete your own personalised custom version of the chart.


I would recommend printing onto thick card paper in full colour.

You can make a spinning hand for the center by cutting out an arrow from the same paper and attaching it with a paper fastener so it can spin!

Attach it to your fridge with some magnets or bluetack so you can see it everyday and begin following the flow of your cycle rhythm.


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